Hydraulic Cylinder Manufacturer

Assembly & Testing at AH Garner

AH Garner are passionate about delivering high-quality hydraulic cylinders which are fit for purpose, durable and long-lasting. In order to do this, we have invested in a dedicated assembly suite on-site at our Nottingham facility. Our assembly area is secluded from our main manufacturing processes and all components are washed before assembly to maintain a good standard of cleanliness – ensuring that our cylinders perform to their fullest standard.

All of our parts are stamped with identification numbers to ensure full traceability and we employ rigorous testing procedures which simulate intense and prolonged use in a realistic intended-use environment. This allows us to mitigate and correct any potential issues at the prototyping stage to ensure the final product performs as expected for the duration of its use.

Keep up to date with our latest news and facility investments here.

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